If your
child will be absent from attending a classroom at QCH School, South Brisbane, please text the school absence line on 0481 073 528 by 9:00am with the following details:
-Child's name
-Reason for absence
-Expected length of absence
Any classsroom unexplained absences will be followed up with a text message each day of absence.
your child has been unwell within the last 24 hours, please contact the school
prior to them re-attending.
Resources for families:
Out brochure for parents
brochure provides information to parents about infectious diseases and
exclusion periods in Queensland early childhood centres and schools.
Out poster for schools
This poster provides
information on the recommended minimum exclusion periods for infectious
conditions and will assist medical practitioners, schools, pre-schools and
childcare centres to meet the requirements of the Public Health Act 2005.