from the Department of Education's Student Learning and Wellbeing Framework.
Queensland Children’s Hospital School has a strong commitment to the
successful learning and wellbeing for all our students. We believe that
wellbeing is the resilience to navigate the normal stresses of life and this
comes from understanding oneself including your character strengths, having
strong connections and sense of belonging. Wellbeing is vital for students to
reach their full potential allowing them to become a positive, productive,
contributing and resilient member of the community.
Our staff actively strive to create a learning environment where
students are resilient, feel safe, respected and connected to our school. We
recognise the importance of the positive relationships between families,
school, health teams and base schools.
A list of links to those agencies who can support our students and
their parents are provided below.
agency links are provided for personal support, family support and for
assistance with career decisions. They should not be used in replacement of
direct clinical/professional advice. We hope you find
this resource valuable.
Information and toolkits to support families and young
people during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Headspace: tips to get back into life during COVID-19 Emerging Minds: Supporting
Children’s Mental Health During a Pandemic ToolkitBeyond Blue: Coronavirus
Mental Wellbeing Support Service
Student health, safety and wellbeing
Department of Education: Supporting
students’ wellbeing and mental health
Mental health support

eHeadspace – provides
free online and telephone support and counselling to young people aged 12 to
25, and their families and friends.

Kids Helpline – a free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling
service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Bullying No Way – provides
information and ideas for students, parents and teachers and contact details
for helplines.

Black Dog
Institute – provides support
and resources for mental health conditions.

Beyond Blue - provides mental health information and support.

Smiling Mind – online resources for
mindfulness, and a mindfulness and meditation app.

Child and Youth Mental Health Services (QLD) — specialises in helping infants, children and young people up to the
age of 18 years who have complex mental health needs. They provide community
and hospital based services, outreach and telepsychiatry programs, early
intervention, forensic and other specialty services.
Student support

Kids Helpline – a free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling
service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Act for Kids – information about
child abuse and neglect, including identifying how to identify warning signs.
Provides information about what to do if you have concerns.

Bravehearts – support, advocacy and education about child

Lifeline – information and support, including a free, 24-hour telephone crisis support service.

Reach Out – information, support and resources
about mental health issues.

Youth Beyond Blue – information, resources and support for young people dealing with
depression and/or anxiety.

Wellbeing Hub — information and resources for students about online
safety, bullying, and other issues.
Parent support

Parentline – provides free counselling and support for parents and

Raising Children Network – provides
a range of online parenting resources.

Mission Australia – provides a
service directory for mental health support and family support needs.

Family and Child Connect –
provides connections to local services for a range of issues, over the phone.

Wellbeing Hub — provides information and advice for parents about
topics like bullying, online safety, communicating with your child and the

P (Positive Parenting Program) - a free program available to all Queensland
parents and carers of children up to 16 years of age, offering a toolkit of
strategies for parenting.
Disability support

NDIS – contacts and information
about the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Tertiary pathways support

MyFuture – provides career

QTAC – the
Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre provides a centralised tertiary study
application system and publishes entry requirements and course information for
prospective applicants.

TAFE QLD – provides courses and
career information.

Study Assist – provides information
for students about government assistance for financing tertiary study.

My Skills – allows users to search and compare VET courses
and training providers.

QCAA – provides information
about QCE, QCIA, ATARs and Ops.
National 24/7 crisis services

— free, 24-hour phone crisis support
13 11 14

Blue Support Service — free
online and phone support.
1300 224 636

Australia — free phone and online counselling.
1300 78 99 78