
Awards and achievements


​​​​Student recognition 

Each week, a selection of students are identified by their teachers for student recognition at our weekly school assembly. For students who are unable to attend the school for their awards, the recognition for these students occurs in inpatient units, where clinical staff join in to the celebration. 

Our student recog​nition awards are centred on our school expectations of being safe, respectful and responsible. We believe it’s important to recognise our students for the effort they put into their learning. ​​

Featured awards

Awarded to Lucas, Year 5/6 classroom

'For demonstrating outstanding leadership and co-hosting our Anzac Day service with respect and pride. Lucas performed his duties with distinction.'


​​​Lucas on assembly accepting his student award.

Doyle Pearn Medal and the Tribute Medal

The staff at the Queensland Children's Hospital School have commissioned two medals to be struck in recognition of outstanding achievement. The medals have been made possible by the generous financial support from Prof John Pearn and Greg Faux (National Medals)

Pearn Medal (named in honour of Sr Angela Mary Doyle from the Mater Hospital and Prof John P​earn from the Royal Children's Hospital) and the Tribute Medal. Each medal has a Latin inscription and is translated below:

The Doyle-Pearn​ Medal is awarded as a symbol of esteem to one whose attainments symbolise achievement in the face of adversity; or to those who make possible such achievement in the context of injury, illness or disability.

The Tribute Medal is awarded for outstanding service, or support, for sick, injured or disabled children, particularly (but not necessarily exclusively) that promoting the development and support of child or adolescent education, this latter in its broadest context.

Medals are awarded each year and nominations are assessed by our committee.​

​Staff Recognition

HSAC Innovation Scholarship

QCH School and our Hospital Schooling Advisory Council (HSAC) award 'Staff Innovation Scholarships' each year. Staff from across all programs in Queensland are eligible to submit an application for these scholarships.  

In 2024, the HSAC teacher scholarship is to support successful applicants to present their innovative hospital teaching and learning at the 2024 Hospital, Educators, Learners, Parents (HELP) Conference in Adelaide in August. Applicants are asked to submit an abstract, ensuring it aligns with the conference theme, Building a Stronger Future Together, through the HELP conference website. Abstracts will be assessed by the HELP planning committee and we will be advised of the outcome in late March.

Miss Ida Kennedy Teacher Scholarship

The Miss Ida Kennedy Teacher Scholarship is awarded each year and gives a regional teacher the opportunity for professional learning and development through engaging in visits to other hospital programs in Queensland. There is vast expertise in our regional teacher network and this scholarship will capitalise on this expertise of colleagues. It's anticipated that the successful candidate will visit 'like programs' to their area of work (i.e. teacher in a paediatric ward will visit other paediatric wards or a teacher in a mental health inpatient unit or day program will visit similar programs).

Miss Ida Kennedy O.A.M., was the Principal of Clayfield College, Brisbane, from 1964 through to 1990, a period of 26 years. She was dedicated to her position, and strategically led the Clayfield College Community through major periods of growth which included a visionary strategic plan for the development of excellence in teaching and learning, and which also included a significant building program and expansion plan for the college. Under her leadership the college grew and thrived. The generous funds for our Miss Ida Kennedy Teacher Scholarship has been made available through Miss Kennedy's will and her desire to develop the capability of teachers. ​

Last reviewed 22 October 2024
Last updated 22 October 2024