
Student leadership



QCHS students are invited to apply to be a Student Representative, and as part of that process, they are asked to identify their skills, describe how they intend to contribute to the student body of their school campus, and consider the responsibilities and challenges of leadership.


One of our Student Reps from 2024 was Lucas. Below, Lucas gives us some insight into the process, and what it's like to be a Student Rep at QCH School:

What made you want to nominate for QCHS Student Rep?
I found it a really cool thing to do. I have never had the responsibility of being a student rep or school captain, so I wanted to give it a go.

How did you become a Student Rep?

I became a Student Rep by asking my teacher if I could be one. She then asked me to write a letter to the principal saying I wanted to be a Student Rep and why I might want to do it.


What special qualities did you bring to the role of Student Rep?

I brought responsibility, kindness, equality and leadership to my role.


As a Student Rep, what duties/roles did you perform during the year?

I hosted the assemblies each week, as well as co-hosted the Anzac Day Ceremony. I looked out for my peers and welcomed new people into the school. I also helped out with a few Juiced TV episodes.


How did you advocate for other students of the school during your time as Student Rep?

I asked the students what they thought could improve our school. I then gathered their answers (e.g. improving the playground) and wrote them down. I then presented them to the principal.

How did your peers and visitors to the school identify you as a Student Rep?

I wore a badge that had 'Student Rep' on it with the QCHS logo. I was also given a purple shirt just for Student Reps to wear so I could be easily identified by other students who may want to talk to me.

What did you enjoy most about being a Student Rep at QCHS?

I enjoyed that I got to host assemblies and other events like Anzac Day. I also enjoyed participating in different Juiced TV episodes.

Would you recommend this role to your peers?

It all comes down to if you really want to do it and if you are fine with hosting events, helping your peers and helping new people at the school. I would definitely recommend this role to my peers as I enjoyed it very much. I was nervous at times but I knew that our school was a safe space.

What is your favourite memory of your time as QCHS Student Rep?

My favourite memory is when I co-hosted Anzac Day.

Last reviewed 22 October 2024
Last updated 22 October 2024